Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, May 19, 2005


I am still undecided what to do in my life? I do not have the mood to look for a job now, the only excuse I have is that I am now back to NS sort of a relief? I do not know but I planned to look for job around June when everything is settled down.

I am still feeling signs of unsafe in my new place in the squadron.. but I know I can get it thro without worries... Friday going to JB and I will test my S1 if she is willing to give me that day leave....after all she decline my clerk's application leave on this friday. If she approves then there will be voices of unjust but then I have reasons to leave..... so see how. I just do not feel just that I have to take a full day of leave cos I going overseas, I was planning to work in the morning and to JB in the afternoon..darnn.. I see how .. testing the limits tomorrow...

Seeing my friends now , I felt out of the race as most of them are now working yet I am still in a transition stage...oh boy..hope things will be better...


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