Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Well in hostel now. Tidying up my FYP presentation. It is going to be a killer for me but then every ounce of resistance is gone during the exam and the FYP situation is in a irrecoverable situation . I just want to leave uni on time. I want to leave singapore for a while... oh well ...hope I will be able to get thro it swiftly.

Looking back. I had been lazing around at home for the weekend able to watch dramas that I had missed. It was nice. I looked back, Rover MG is now in recievership, take over by a chinese company and there is a chance that Rover will be made in China... oh well it will never be the same.. My first car that I drove as a licensed driver was a Rover 26, I had a cross country run in it. It took me from London to Scotland over 1 week. It was not that most comfortable car but it managed to take me home after running 2000++ miles.... that means a good car to me

I was figuring of getting a Rover when I can affoard a car but then it will be a Made in China will be different, different from the one that took me all the way..... The little black car that I nearly crashed into another blue volkswagen, the car that I almost burnt the brake when I was maneovring a cottage dirt track after taking a short cut and hit up slope and applying brakes constantly. oh well ... time pass on ...

CAnt wait to enter NS on 13th of may as it meant I can put my Uni life away...


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