Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, March 17, 2005

It has been a normal week for me with some minor stress. Nothing much happened in particular on this week , lucky. Today I going to hand in my report to the moderator and well let nature takes it course. Managed to attend the IBM recruitment talk on tues and saw Jacob...oh well ..umph... aniwei the jobs offered sounds interesting and I think I will give it a try. I saw jasmine friend helping out there and realised that she is in IBM.. aniwei I din realise that then .

Was out to study law by myself at orchard yesterday as I cannot take much of NTU places anymore but the journey is long... DAMNNN NTu..... aniwei ...met up with gigi for dinner but overall was good. I managed to get what I want from the model shop and have a feel of a different environment.

I do enjoy eating sushi as supper as that was what I did last nite but I regretted not getting sake to go along with it ..umphhh next time...

Been thinking of my path lately, I am still rather uncertain about my destiny but maybe I will take the NS time as a period to discover myself.

Planning to leave campus after moring lesson tomorrow. I will most likely going to Jurong East library to study as I do not feel like heading home so early... but then that library is still a nice place to study.... I must hang on in here.. only a month + more.....


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