Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Monday.. not a bad day, pretty normal. It's something I had longed for and hope it will stay like this but in reality, it wont last long.

Finished some studies on my academic work and watched Desperate Housewives. It's the only thing I watched when I am in hostel.... not a bad epidose...

Keith my best buddy is leaving for australia tomorow.. oh well sad to have a friend to leave singapore but it's okie cos we will see each other eventually. God bless him in his goals and life.

tomorow maybe callin up ken for lunch if not, I will just ate chocolates and study in the reading room.

Nowadays i am not a good fan of fighting the queue and eat something miserable. ....

Hoping for a normal weekend ahead.


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