Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Well well....finally I had see some light out of the tunnel, sup felt alright with my report with some minor additions that I can managed in a short time. I can forsee myself enjoy the thursday with friends out .. lalalalalala...............

Met up with some friends in uni, they are also as grumpy as me..sigh I guess we are on the same boat.. hope they will feel better.

Only thing to worry is my moderator who is quite knowledgable in my field of work hope he have mercy on my soul and not shoot me down...

Feeling sleeping but have to attend law lecture at 4:30......... hang on !!

My f-4 pit had arrived in the US, ryan just email to me about their arrival. It was quite fast consider that I mailed it to him a fornight ago.. my mum told me a package also arrived at my place so I supposed my hornet pit had made the journey over vast ocean and great continent in one shape....

Way kool......... F-18 D hornet ATARS cockpit set...ooooooooo malaysian hornet, here I comE !!!


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