Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Friday, March 11, 2005

Well finally I had made it till friday. Was out with phillippe to watch a movie "assault on predinct 13th" kinda of a cool show full of leads and blood. Something worht seeing after being under stress the entire week . Went to the PC fair nothing much in particular I need to buy but just there to see someone that's all heehee.. aniwei just someone.

So far my hobby deals are doing fine. The items I had ordered are coming back to me and well at least those folks are not out to swindle my hard earned money.. heehee..

Last nite went home to sleep .. felt enjoyable afterall it's been sometime that I can leisurely go home and take a break . Now in pacific coffee waiting for GEn to knock off as I will like to pass her some of my japanese notes. Feeling rather hungry after eating that tiny mushroom swiss from BK. I doubt jasmine will call me after her party and I guess a meal at holland v will have to wait.

What is my plans for tomorrow? I just came out to town to get a tint of paint.. for my models.. yeah travel all the way out to get them ... no choice after all only town have models shops.. rather sucky.. umphhh .... tomorrow will respray my beagle again, not very satisfied with my paint session this morning.

Hope tomorrow will be a good day.


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