Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Seems that the my world is coming to an end now. Lost my mobile on a bus without any bloody idea of why ...... shucks... sometimes , I wonder if I am still not good enough and God still want to do this to me. I know it's just a lost of mobile phone but I had been good or well-behaved throughout the whole months and this happened to me ? Gezzz I felt that I should be evil and bad just to get some misery out of the whole public... sigh I do not know.

I begin to wonder what I will be when I leave school.... I sucks on what I am studying and will not be able to get a job or an employer will employ me with my sucky grade. I wonder what the hell I am doing, trying so hard and with little results.. whereas other blokes will outshine me with their little effort...... sigh .... this is not my game and I am losing every match...

It is most likely that my roomie who play games most of the time will have a better degree than me...... yet I am the bloody bloke who mug all day and out...... Shucks...... my belief of trying hard is no longer with me...I just wish the ordeal will end soon a few more months yet it seems far.........

I had requested for my NS to be resume on 13th May Friday, an auspcious day I think.... well hope they will allow me to go back on that date.


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