Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, March 28, 2005

I had a very happy week. Due to Easter holidays...
Went out with Phillippe to study at suntec on wednesday, it was quite productive and very good to experience a change of environment after hard work at studies, we ate at Tonkichi with george and Evonne, the food is superb wonderful wednesday.

Thursday ate lunch with Gigi at Tanjong PAgar, nothing special but it's okie. Spent the whole afternoon at the airport as my dad is coming back around 8pm. STudied hard at BK and PAcific Coffee. The environment is very condusive for studying . I felt accomplished that day. As usual dad managed to carry back all those items I had purchased in UK. Way the go dad!!

Holiday was spent with family and sat too. Sat had my japanese class with shirley and others smaller class but still not a bad. I had begin to feel less active on pursuing the opposite gender, maybe there is some defunct gene in me... oh well....

I guess I am in such state as I am busy with studies, japanese, family and my hobbies. The thoughts of having my hands on another box of model airplane keep linger in my mind....... I had vowed to finished another one after my exams... guess time to put girls in the backseat or even the boot......


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