Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Friday, June 03, 2005

I wonder...why do people have such a affinity for knowing the future? I understand that it's nature for us to know what lies ahead..but do we trust such matters? palmistry... it's look rather interested and a intellectual study but I never believe in it maybe because I believe in having destiny is held in one's hand. I will prefer the belief of one's power is able to change own's fate.. but have knowing such knowledge does make you have something to talk about when your conversation in a group ran dry...

Looking back, I do wonder my path had been craved out by my own ability or the true destiny higher power had given to me . After seeing some friends now and then, alot of recollection come to me and make me feel that I had walked for quite a distance despite that there is till more path down in my life... oh well what lies ahead.I am getting more receptive to getting involved in any relationship that come across me now as there is less areas that I pay concern at ..maybe I understand that such matters are out of my control but just to accept what is given to me and adjust my life on it...

Oh...boy... ohh I had been going out with a girl now.. she is very nice and we click very well. daily of phone call ... I understand the pressure in me now as she is now working and I am still in transition stage.. I do hope that she will understand that I will commit to work or look for job soon. I do hope she will have some sort of tiny little feeling towards me despite the vast differences I see that is presisting between us... I will try better this time after rounds of foulups during my previous attempts...


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