Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Sometimes I wondered, it is okie to come clean or just let the little problem stick in your mind?

In terms of butterflys and bees crap, I always the one who want to come clean, telling others what I felt. . . . it just a bit stupid of me to brust it out in one shot. I felt that I always have the guilt inside me of hurting others but in reality nothing really big had happened... I am standing on the extreme side of things... what a bloke I am... aniway got to live and learn....

Learn to hide and conceal what I had inside me, I will rather run till I get out of breath then tell another person what I am feeling now... or future... I must try to confide to myself as I believe nothing is going to make my life a little bit miserable if I follow this way...umph...

By hiding you are still in the game and thus do not create such an extreme situation that is hard for you recover it but only left for you is to clear up the shit you had made thus... it give me a better option....then the earlier.... umphh

Whether it's right or bullshit... I got to live, try , learn....


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