Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Oh.. My boss or the Sqn CO had given me a half day off, I do not know the reason behind it but I will just gladly accept it. Nothing much had changed over these days but I begin to get addicted to Canterbury's polo. I dont know why. I had purchased one at herren 2 weeks back and now another one... I felt good getting these clothes... maybe I just feeling stupid.

Will take my off on coming monday so that I can go for my lesson during that evening. It will be more comfortable for me to make such a trip to class.Will be meeting KEn and Jun for dinner tomorrow. It's been sometime since I last saw jun. I guess she is busy with her overseas trip and christian stuff... how lucky.... Got to work tomorrow.. hope no more monitor lizard came into my workplace..

These weeks I have a feeling of being alone. I felt that being with my friends, I will pose a threat to them. I just do not want to mess up anyone or anything anymore. I felt sick of my actions. I guess it's better for me to be alone for the time being. It feels like I am the unwanted and living alone on an to learn to accept and adapt to new changes... sigh..


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