Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, June 19, 2005

begin to wonder..... what wrong with the public on this island? I prefer to spend my sunday alone all by myself thus I go blading, swimming , shopping blah blah .. on my own. It had become my personal time for myself to complete my errands and stuff. I do not find it's a big deal that I should be with somebody... I do not mind having company but when you dont and need to achieve something, I just do it with me , myself and I.....

I had begin to bumped into friends in ECP and they give me a bewildered look when they are aware that I blade alone... they just give me the expression that why you still want to go out when no one is joining you.... it silly for you to blade with yourself.... I really have to wonder the validity of their reactions, going to ECP on sundays is sort of a routine for me. it a time for me to relax and be with myself not with friends if there is none during that day and I am fine with that. With or without friends, I will be there.. I begin to think, if I do not have anyone to be with, I should be at home and never to venture out? I felt this is silly as we must live life based on our own liking and opinion...

I will not have a time that I blamed myself for not doing things which I like because there is nobody to join me.. this is lame. I am no longer a kid. . . I act on my own instructions....nevermind them... they just din understand it... and I just din bother to explain as it's futile..

Was in Ikea today, as the sudden urge to have their food make me go all the way there after I bladed. The diner was full so I managed to find a seat with a couple. Ask them if it's taken and they shook their head. While having my meal, I observed that they are looking at me, they just give me a queer look....."wHy do this chap eat alone? it's after all a sunday" Well I was not amused as there are other tables just give me the same "stare and cannot stop starting " face.I observed such situation as there are people who just stare blankly at you and all other action just stopped.....their eye balls are good in maintaining a lock-on on your body and sway in the direction of my movement.

I wonder what is the problem with having a day with myself? Does this means that I am alone, I should not go ikea and look for a book rack? I should not eat ? I should not do anything else?? Silly...silly.. had this island turn to a situation that we should go toliet only if there is company?Oh well. I just did what I need to do today and felt good. . and nevermind those silly stares ..

I'm just walking my belief that's all.


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