Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Went blading today, thinking umph..... what make us so special compared to apes and chimps. One thing that is different, we can walk upright and not with our feet and hands. It is remarkable that us human have such distinctive trait in our evolutionary journey as it sounds more logical that by walking up right we can see farther as we are taller but it is more eifficient in walking on 2 legs then four.... With this, we can save the energy for other task like creating another offspring per year. It maybe only one but that could be a difference between survival and extiniction..umph ...

But felt it is more important that by walking upright, we free our hand for other task. Such task that will be meaningful in our path. Our hand can now create tools and of course holding on to food... but with our lungs being upright, we are given the chance to speak, a chance to communicate in complex manner....we became somethine different then our cousins and work in a group thro communication. ... umphh that for a tot.

Oh yeah one thing, our brain rely on fats and proteins for growth thus with a bigger brain comes with higher level of intelligence..thus... our forfathers are carnivores...but it's good as this gives us bigger brain capacity... ummph put this point to our modern friends, the vegetarians... does that means they are heading to an evolutionary doom in tens of thousands of years to come? ummphh lucky i eat meat...


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