Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Saturday, June 25, 2005

have this thing that keep me puzzled....its about human behaviour in singapore...

To a girl:

If you felt some guy is looking at you, do you feel flattered that there is something special about you that managed to grasp a person's attention? OR : you felt intruded that he is some sort pervert that is looking at girls that make you give him the crossed look?

If someone approach you to said that you are pretty , will you be once again flattered by the opposite gender's comment? (lets assume that he qouted it in a very genltemanly manner.. )OR : you once again want to take out your pepper spray and just fogged that poor little gentleman's face with pepper?

I do feel that of course in my personal opinion, as I do not want to create any blacklash that is so typical in this island... ladies tend to put us the male homospecians in a negative extremity that our innocent glance to sights beyond her is regarded as a long soul-searching stare into their own self. I do applaud to their high situation awarness and of course self-conscioussness are a marvellous trait ... oh well but do one lady need to be so self-defensive to treat us as some loony?...isn't one aim took all the time to dress out nicely just to be a little different and of course appreciated by the public?

I do know that singapore have the lowest number of sexual-related crimes and of course , never had experienced some crazy activities conducted by some insane people in the public before but yet ladies do put on their extreme self-defensive mechanism once they had encountered the questions I posted up there....

I do not know why...I had been to Europe where their wild activities are more frequent and of course suffered from more sexual-related crimes then this island but the ladies really understand a genlteman and treat them nicely...I once enaged in a converstaion with a African-Londoner, tall slim young lady in a tube after I comment about her in a netural manner... we were just having causal talks and go our own ways after a nice little chat, that's all. it something that really brighten our days... I do simile on the road in my district when I met people on the street, the place is near Canary Wharf or WhiteChapel, it was a not too friendly place but yet people simile back.....

I just wonder waht does our population react if I conduct such activities in this island.I will be treated as some insane creep...... I think it's sad that our upbringing have made us not knowing the people around us and of course just "push the red nuclear button" if we see someone just looking at us. We just become overly protective of ourself...well usual answer to my question is " we are living in a asia we are more conservative..." wow... that is a "excellent" answer....


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