Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Umph Saturday.

Went for a swim downstairs and did not really lap much due to the incoming weather. Spent the entire afternoon watching LOST on Axn. It is really neat that they put them 5 epidose per week from 12 noon till 5pm but of course due to my jap lesson, I have to leave after 3 and half hours.

I just managed to sqeeze all the juices from 10 oranges from my fridge as my mum bought crates of them (joking..) and they are turning bad soon if no one going to eat them. I can only consume 2 a day so this seems to be a better option. I do have freshly squeeze OJ in my fridge now with lots and lots of plups. I like plups as they make you think the juice is pure and not those from concentrate..

Tomorrow if weather is good shall go blading..


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