Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, July 25, 2005

Well watched ET on Channel 5 just now. It was nice to see the 80s again, days when I was a kid and I am still in the comfort zone from adults. The centipede at the playground where ET changed a ride from the van to the BMX is familar to that one I played when I was a kid in Tuen Mun.

The BMx.. a 80s must have for kids, I longed for one and got one at redhill. It was a blue one with a little bell on top. I considered to be pretty stylish taht time.. (haa..) The days where Computers are for scientist and geinus and we are stuck with real toys like board game and flurry animals and those die-cast matchbox cars.... missed the wonderful old days.

There was a scene where ET knew making phone calls after he watch a show where an grandpop phone across the states to listen to an family with a kid. They exclaimed that it will cost a fortune to make a long distance.... yup it was cost a bomb and my family only did it on seaonsal occasions then....we were very very delighted when we hear our relatives voice over the phone...sweet memories anytime anywhere...I can reach anyone anywhere

But ET is much more interesting than War of the Worlds both under the same director, maybe 80s make me look like a kid again but it's a feel good and happy movie for ET where aliens came down happily for a can of coke and joyride on a BMX compared to the recent alien where they just zapped everyone and suck their blood. Personally I was really happy that I stick to ET tonite and did not surf the channel as I was more interested in waht was on MTV channel.


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