Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Well did not go out today, despite it's a sunday as my original plan of going to blade in ECP was postphoned till din know when cos of the weather.I did enjoy the exclusive time of being alone at home, reading book and also doing my hobby. Building a CF-188B hornet now, sprayed that plane and awaiting it to dry.

I had been reading alot of books lately and China Dog is a nice book. It consist of a couple of short stories about chinese mirgant moving to Canada around the 50s and I can say it does remind us of our elderly generation, felt so close with this book after reading it..Chinese migrant moving to a unknown land and work day in day out. It reminds me of my uncles in UK. Very warmly feeling after reading the book.

I had also reading a femalish book now called "reinventing mona" it's sort of like Bridget Jones diary but it's quite funny and interesting. Well I need to widen my choice of books, guess I did it from Human Origins, thrillers to such stuff..

This story is about Mona who want to get her child-hood sweetheart called Adams, but the trouble is she had not ever commited to an relationship before thus she hire a "professional" for help. The pro is a columnist for some male mag eg MAxim that degrades woman in his monthly articles.. so far I had only read half of it. It's quite interesting.

I managed to get LUX roses and wine that comes with a nice smell. Awfully cheap irish product but its good . I got sick of those sports smelling shower cream at this moment.


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