Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Friday, July 29, 2005

Well stayed at home the entire day or almost, I had lost the motivation to go back to camp to rot thus I gave myself off and vaccum the house as my dad is returning tomorrow.

Met up with Sophia for brunch as she is the only one who is free and nearby on this normal workday for everyone. We had Mac and well walk to JE. Its was pretty normal. I return home and went swimming but did not swim much as they are relaying the tiles on the pool but swimming was such a joy as it made me relaxed and happy.

Managed to watch crazy in Alabama, it was a okie show but no worries. I did intended to go town as I need search for some decals for my plane but since Maurren could not meet me up for dinner, I resort to rot at home. Went to the nearby place for dinner and return home and completed my Japanese homework for tomorrow. Time really flies when you are busy.


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