Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Well got a job offer but it's a on-site work for a project. It is located at Lok Ma Chau which is slightly far from HK. I am still deciding if I should take up this offer as there is this french co. that is really nice and I had yet to meet up with the HR department to discuss with the salary but its a 3 month contract basis subject to renewal. UMphhh....

I had considered myself quite lucky to have jobs after 2 weeks of landing in HK. I felt that my expenditure had increased significantly and needed new influx of cash to substain my life. Transportation is very very expensive and took a large part of my cash.

About girls..well I taking it easy as per usual. I do think that if it will comes, it will . But the overly eager me will just rush into things and spolit every min of it ... Sigh ... I dont know ...Hope things will be smooth ... but i know it wont be ..


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