Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Well had a good saturday with my uncle and paid a visit to my grandparents' grave. It was hot and sunny but there were plenty of people there visiting their loved ones.I do prefer tuenmun as people's standards are similar across the area, there are aplenty of government flats and thus they are all the same. We went for dim-sum and had alot of food.... tuen town center is the same, still vibrant and good. It was a good thing to have MAcDonalds' as the PR staff are usually pretty and well-groomed compared to Singapore. I din know but just felt that there is a lack of professionalism among service industry in Singapore when you compare normal retail outlets..but well ..shall not be too biased on this issue...

Out with brian for dinner at Sek Kep Mei...nice nice food and very local environment.... another good weekend had passed....


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