Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I will end my freedom next wednesday as I had accepted an offer from an French company to work with them next wednesday. I hope I will survive in that company. I opt for this company as it's an MNC and it seems that there are more chance of progression in there.

I still think that I shall remain covert and low when comes to woman issue and shall not mention much things to my cohabit mate. I cannot see the point well, it's just an innocent suggestion to meet up with her friend for dinner but she seems to think way beyond that, that I am chasing so many of her friends at one go.... things are just simple in my life.

I just want someone to company me for meals that's all...

I shall adopt to my personal life tomorrow and well remain low when I met up with other people without mentioning to her..

I just want my life to be simple.. a dinner, just a dinner without any ulterior motives... gesshh...

Aniwei I have some thoughts about me and her, I do think that the chances are left to fate and it is rather slim... well got to admit failure...and see what I had done wrong this time..

Well got to wish me good luck in my new working life in HK.

Hope everything will be smooth..


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