Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Busy tuesday. Managed to scout around for blades when I call those skates shop. Inline culture is able to have the blade of my size so hurried down to East Coast Rd after asking for early off.

Woohaa.... quite happy about my new blades. :o)

Had dinner with makkio, jocelyn and jasmine. I had not seen each other for sometime. All are fine..that is very good. But I am feeling rather tired after days of going out.

I had realised that my social life is very enriched and so far it is a good sign. Grace is selling bags with her sis. The Chew sisters, I do wish them good luck. It take balls to do such things.

Tonite, I will have my japanese lesson and also hope that I can catch Sophia and her friends....


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