Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Oh....nice weekend I had..I had realised that I am a very busy person and in due course lost contact with some of my friends. I am VERY Sorry about that. Aniwei sat went blading, not bad ..but seems that the girls are picking it up faster than me....stressed.
I did not managed to get my own pair as they ran out of my size, okie I do have a bigger feet but at my height you have to understand the bigger size. Sunday pool was super quiet and so, just hang down there reading my notes and swimming a while...and got totally cooked...

Ha..tonite met up with Jocelyn, it's been half a year since I had seen she look more stunning now well that is what I think of her. Watched 50 1st dates with her, I know it's sort of like a old show but we both enjoy it. Chitchat awhile during coffee after movies. Boy...we have so much things to talk about, cant blame us as we had yet to meet each other for 6months. Wed supposed to meet up with jasmine and makkio for dinner, I do hope Jocelyn's results are okie and can meet up with us and it will be fun.

WISH her good LUCK!


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