Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, December 05, 2004

LAst nite met up with my buddy keith, we are fine and good ... and I do felt that he got overly errmm mishandled during his NS days that he is now protraying some sort of bad behaviour that you often see in camps. I believe that I will be good to everyone at first and only resort to mean ways if things turn badly, after all that ill-mannered chap going to face judgement day.

I also notice that grace and me and keith always provoke each other, I uncertain if this is healthy but after all she is a lady but there are times that me and keith just cannot help it ... oh well .. .

ARgghhhhhhh........... today had my JLPT 4... and now I am feeling nausea and brain drained.It could be due ot that fact that I did not sleep well over the past 2 nights for reasons that I did not know or I woke up super early today so as to fetch the ride from TeckSheng. . he is a nice chap hauling jacq, elaine and Yen to changi too. Exams was okie or uncertain, I do not like MCQs as they usually produce the 2 side of me..the worst and the best...I do hope that I pass this one.

The place was in a japanese primary school where everything is either make too small or too low for me..I was like a human entering hobbit's land...the seat is super tiny and my table moved whenever my leg move....but the things these kids made were interesting.

I did spent a significant amount of effort on it. Going back to school to clear my doubts and study there for the past 3 days.. I was glad that I manage to see Yan,TeckSheng and Jacq. They are fine but too bad that I had to meet up with my friends for dinners on both nights and could not join them .

What are my plans for the coming festive season....oh... FYP..tomorrow going to do it .. no matter how .. focus on it .. that is why I could not join shirley's full time class. I do like to if I have time but sadly I didnt..

Oh .. love life? still nil.......cant wait to leave singapore after all the Uni and NS stuff.... leaving here and begininig a new life in a new land.... I felt my life rather empty at times...


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