Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Well, been busy with the family. My dad is back from UK so going out often as a family also having the need to replace some old electrical stuff at home.

I was quite happy that I am able to enjoy the books which my dad bought back after I purchased them thro e-bay.

Overall the weather is fine over these days and I had my japanese last nite. the class was quite full but interesting people I met. I managed to wrote to my japanese teacher a christmas card in japanese after much hassle but effort was worth it and got her a box of belgian chocolates. She deserved it as she spend so much time with me in my revision...well I have to wait till next year before start of class she is going back for a holiday.

I had yet to purchase a gift for my christmas party on boxing day... maybe will get it soon .. christmas eve plan is still nothing .... I am still uncertain .. maybe stay at home and enjoy a quiet christmas.


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