Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, January 03, 2005

Well finally I can see the sunlight after weeks of rain ... my dad had left singapore for hk and well my school had started..I do not feel bored of school but just took it ... without much strength to resist and hesitate, i had already grown acustomed to the misery ....

I had a strange dream last nite .. I do not know why ... after telling george I will sleep and dream of isabella rather than face the cruel singapore reality that faces me and him... I dreamt of a girl who is new in my japanese class but the place is in marine parade..... instead of shaw building?? werid..but it's a dream.. she was slender, fair and with short slight blonde hair with the certain sense of gentleness in her voice. She studied in ntu ..and we talk alittle in my dream and left but her tone was rather concerned and happy.... she left for the bus later... and i was awake to this cold world.... but indeed it was a nice dream .... I wish I can relive it in real live... but sadly... it's near impossible...

Lesson start at 4:30 today kinda of late and i thinking should i attend the japanese class tonite or on sat...ummmm...


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