Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, December 22, 2004 is 冬至 .. okie it something that is hardly heard of in this tiny warmy tropic island. Nothing special but we just follow the HK tradition, had a nice dinner that is equal to chinese new year dinner with the whole family. Sis bought her boyfriend along.... well parents were shocked at certain things that he is now but parents always shocked no matter what..

Today did nothing much want to get a new pair of spec but nothing came into my fancy... aniwei will look for it soon . Did a bit of programming today and was surprising fast and problemless... either I was lucky or getting better but I believe i am the former.

What I am going to do tomorrow ? thinking of going back to school but I am sort of comfy at my home right now and holiday mood is here..maybe next week .Get a swim tomorrow plus a tan if weather permits.


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