Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Oh boy... seems centuries that I had updated this site. .... apologies to any soul who frequent here.

Well it's seems that I had now getting happier in life despite not attaining the things I had now eg. girlfriends .... but I guess people change and their goals in life had changed. I had enjoy this month without much of the worries of woman and also feel postive about myself ...

Most of the time is me and friends or buddies or family ...

Did not do much but let's reflect back....

Christmas eve was out with keith and grace to double O for countdown ...rather okie crowd was so-so and music was not my liking..they are playing top 40 not my stuff.Friends told me two girls next to us were staring at me either interested or felt disgusted by me...i bet it was the latter ..and I do not play much concern about girls... I was there to enjoy... so I did not bother to inquire more or ask for their phone numbers, maybe my age had caught up with me and thus no longer believe in such stuff...maybe.. went home around 2am

Christmas was a day spent in Kbox with phillippe,maggie,george and gigi. We sang the entire afternoon and I cannot last long and lost my breath and probably sang from badly to worst. Our dinner was nice.. I like the sushi tei's eel..superbly soft and nice..... we want to eat dessert at Hui Lau San but then most of the stuff are unavailble...argggh....went to lido mc cafe instead..... talk about hongkong and singapore...... nothihng much ...

Sunday boxing day was out with family when I felt temors in carlton hotel...that the begining of the worst disaster I seen...nite time was at yan's house with tecksheng and only him...all others are unable to make it..but good food was there.... watch soccer and eat..nothing much but a relaxing nite...

Was out with makkio and jasmine last nite and tried Hui Lau San ... serving was large and nice ... isetan sale was filled with mobs of mad shoppers but I did not managed to get anything as most stuff are expensive compared to hk.....ohh well....


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