Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Well it's my 3rd week in HK. Being totally alone and also finanically self-reliance. I am now trying my best to reduce my expenditure. I had been grazing alot of food lately and well I do want to skip a meal or two if possible as I had not do any sort of excersice for these entire period. One more thing, due to the mono-lingo of HK, I had not use my other language for so long that I am have some fear that they will just weathered away... ohhh.....I had not eaten a single home-made meal...for so long that I am dying for it. I only well drank my uncle's soup yesterday. Never had so much soup in my stomach in one go... Outside food is nice but cant beat a home-made meal... sigh .. Can anyone offer me a meal in HK??

Going to open a telephone line today as my pre-paid sim card is running low on cash ... sigh .. more money to be spent...I am planning to get voda-smatone as the sms charges is the lowest..Will not be getting a new mobile as I am still able to cope with my current out-date phone...


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