Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Okie..had a long long weekend. Spend the whole of friday to ammend my IA report, the product was spendid but at the expense of my lunch and breakfast break It was paid off when me, patrick and george went to eat buffet at suntec. I ate a few "cows" that night as it was my first proper meal of the day, they do have nice fresh salmon.Met up with Sean at newsroom bar... ohh well...kept on drinking and drinking by 1 hour + I was already in tumbleweeds. I left early as I felt there is a need to ammend my report again and I was salmon red. Went to hand in my report, seen others it's a different approach then mine. Theirs was what they learn in the duration of IA, mine was the presentation of my product, ohh well.

Had a chat with my FYP tutor, he sounds alright and now I can go back to Hong Kong with a lighter heart. I was bother that that sup will assign alot of thing for me to do during my holidays... he din ..but I got to read up the basics.

HAd rollerblading class with my new gear, everything was smooth till i fall backwards and really hurts my hip area. I pray everything is alright.... PLESAE!!

Met up with makkio and the japanese class gang for Troy... everyone is happy. I guess makkio and sasaki san were happy to know each other. I felt good about it.....

I had a very good but tiring friday and saturday!!


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