Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Well how was first day of school ? umphh .... went for lunch with ken who managed to well bring me to acadmic block in my most sloppy attire..but i am on finals... so i do not care..

Study my number theory for the afternoon in hostel and because I could not withstand the dirt on my hostel floor, i mopped it..super tired but now it feels good .. i mean my clean and comfy...

E426 is my first's hard..but oh well will put in more effort in it ... Made a sudden decision to attend my japanese class today as ken was going to town and could give me a ride ...also because i have nothing much to do at hostel now ... it's only day 1 of school.....

Went to eat thai food at the scott's food court... i realised their korean stuff is quite popular among korean... maybe one fine day in a distant future i will attempt it.. i am not a big fan of their food..

Japanese class...umphhh suprised to see Andrea ....but aniwei din really matter... only interested in lesson.. Sat beside Jennifer who is helpful and i really appreciate her help in my work...if not i am struggling again... 3 hours gone and then went back to hostel on the train ..super brain drained..

Ohh Sasaki senseh gave me a ampulet and some form of "red packet" for the new year for everyone... that is so nice of her... she is always totful of her students.... lucky she is my teacher.


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