Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, May 31, 2004

Ohh it's june soon. Had a relaxing weekend, my heart just felt so relieved after my FYP sup reassure me that I can happily go back to HK for holiday. The project will commence when the school reopens. He is a nice chap with a nice kid, someone who is willing to part his knowledge to others. I will still study Java n ECC now till the day I returned to hongkong.

Went out with my mum for a while on sat.The GREAT singapore sale...ohh well going back to HK soon, no point buying expenisve, dull items. Went blading and ken(the coach) commented that I had progressed very well. I think so maybe after the practice last sunday. Everyone is having fun and planned to met up at the same place each saturday.

Had dinner with George and Patrick at Lau Pa Sat. Food is spicy but nice, I din really enjoy that after all there is this big ucler in my mouth.Went for coffee after that. Seems to me that Patrick have something he want to tell us.. I understand his frustration and unhappiness over girls.I am in the same shoe cant blame him but he need to put in some effort for things to happen.

But one thing which conccurred with George, he kept alot of things to himself and tell us after such a long time.... giving us doubts on that problem.

I doubt he need help in the problem he is having now, the only solution is to adapt to changes and evolve.I only think that he does not have motivation in putting in the effort to see the results and expect everything is laid out for him....ohh come on...
the world is not a such friendly place....

If he does not change , ohh well will reminds me of the some homo-erectus that got extinct...


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