Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Umphh..where was I? Well okie, I spend the whole of tuesday to plan my timetable. I managed to squeeze most of my lesson on mon-wed. I should be a free man thursday onwards.

I had been trying to learn Java and so far it's okie but slow, after all I will rather sleep eat....aniwei had a sudden urge to go to Kinokuniya after work and discovered that they have those 20% coupons again. Okie spotted two books and got to decide on one of them. Ask those friendly staff to open, I settle on an F-102 Dagger over the Hornet.

I do appreciate Kino on wrapping those books and allow shoppers to take their time to read them when they open for you. I like my books in perfect mint, crisp, nice smell, no dog ears, no fingerprint condition... I did that as I do kept my books in such way.

After lesson, went to Califonia Pizza Kitchen for supper, nice food... I do enjoy their fuzion food. Hitch a cab hoome after that.

Well today went to register my modules, super KS and hitch a cab to school. So nervous that I will be late and screw up my the end it was the smoothest sweetest registration ever...... its a good day...YEAH!!

HAd a nice afternoon watching Shrek 2 with someone I felt comfortable and good with...I was super happy on this day... maybe it is an off day and I do things leisurely...lalalalalalalalalalaala.....

I am now feeling tired as I spend the last 2 hours studying for my japanese and completing the homework...Zzzz soon...


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