Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, February 07, 2005

Somehow I can foresee my own demise.... kinda of scary that I can predict my own end...
Somehow I am witnessing the demise of my ownself ..... kinda of scary when you are able to see your end coming...

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Begin of this new month, another thing come to my mind, What i want to be when I go out and work ? I am interested in banking but the engineering educated mind of mine is grumbling me to stick to the engine side... aniwei I will try to apply for Braclays' and see if they wants me...

I had been sick over the weekend, I din know why but maybe I had a busy friday been out in town since 1pm till 11pm.....went to alot of places .....shops where men should not really be in .. in my context but I was happy it brodened my mind..

I starting to have the aviary fever...... looking for it now ...for lowest price to get it ...argghhh