Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, October 05, 2009

Oh.. its 2009 and 2 years had passed since I had pressed some buttons for this blog.

How is everyone? How is me? I had grown older and through course managed to gain someone important in my life. Someone who I am willing to leave everything for her.... Coming Oct 7th, its our 1st anniversary. We had been very good couples which adjust to each other lifestyle to create a life of our own... we created our own life and constantly looking over each other to ensure our life is happy.

Sept swept passed us with our wedding photos taken in Taipei, it was a labour intensive effort. Woke up at 6am and cramped in a car travelled almost across Taipei to get our most perfect scenes.... at the end... we are exhausted, the only tiring feeling is when I was in army.... totally sweated out and golden baked by the sun.. But after that, the remaining of the trip was relaxing and filled with joy. We do love that Hotspring hotel which we camped overnight, no crowd and total tranquility, its someone we look for after months of work work work work...

I need to prepare some meals during that important day.. proabably garlic prawn pasta and some soup... ending it with cakes from Zoe or Tresa's Festival

Last Sunday, my parents returned back to SG and looking at them... looking at me... They are older now and I look old... There had been alot of reflection of my life lately, thinking of my childhood ... thinking what I was 10 years ago... maybe I am in a transition stage of my life.. from young adult to a older prune.. Friends are getting married, planning to get married... we had reached a stage away from being taken care of... we need to take care of our family. I am glad that my parents are pre-occupied by my little nephew who is shy of 2 years old, with his photos I felt there is hope in life when I am in trouble.

I do felt happiness is something hard to find and often taken for granted. When I am unhappy, I look at my little nephew's photo they bring joy to my life... my little life as a middle age old man..


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