Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Well... July..

I had been thinking ... what I had done over this month? well nothing much but the trip back to Singapore does make me feel happier as I am able to see my family and friends. I am now having a wonderfulous time in my Japanese class as I am able to bend into them as they are super friendly ... I decided to treat them nicely..

Looking back... a year ago, I was still in service in my blue uniform and seeing airplane taking off and landing.. but now I am at another place where to them National Service only happens in Taiwan. Well I guess this is another milestone that I managed to achieved. Did I brave the rain and storm? I am uncertain as so far things are still going quite smoothly..

I had fallen and also stand up and walk again, I know there are times where I am really sad thinking of the past memories of me and her but still I got to move ... I do hope she will have someone nice to look after her but still I guess she is now old enough to decide what is of the best interest for her.

Tomorrow I will be going for my dance and japanese lessons, maybe a trip to visit my aunt will round things up nicely. I guess from now on... walking alone and standing tall is something I must get used to ... Life must go on....


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