Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Well I am now in Bangkok now doing work till friday. As much as I like it in here..Events that are brewing now in HK does not really make me to have a mood to enjoy myself. Well frankly, the only problem guys have is money and woman...that is what I think... for me, I do have enought to spend and so the problem is latter.

I could not understand why but time and time again things just repeats itself...when you are finally able to stand tall and approach the the thing you fear most, it suddenly came right back to you. I just want to seek something simple and have the ability to be the provisioner of care and warmth but when your arms are opened to the world, the whole world just splash you with ice-cold water... Things come fast and go fast... I could not understand why but I know I will move on but when will I think "This is enough" .....

I wish I could avoid this situation and be away from HK but then....the heart is still in seems it happens everywhere.....

Life just turn abit sour for me ...


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