Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Well back from beijing for almost a week as I did not have any testing job to do this week. This week went by rather fast and comfy. This is the time that allows me to settle my minor stuff at work and also to study what I am deficient in.

Well I had a great saturday. Went for a dance this afternoon. The crowd was rather minor as Leona and Sally were no were to be in. Sam introduce us some new moves and as usual, I am the slowest and dumbest kid to pick them up. Nevertheless, I join cos of the fun it gives.

Did not go far today instead down to causeway bay as I was really want to get that model kit. But sadly it was gone when I reach there... it was selling cheap and it's a 2nd-hand but nevertheless it's something worth the money in my opinion..

So...attended my colleague wedding at Langham hotel, grand and superbly decorated. Wish the them a blissful and happy marriage. Did not talk much to my colleagues as I had yet to get familar with them....

Nevertheless I had been playing around with my N93...superbly cool and it's like bringing a video cam out...shoot what you like and where you want to


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