Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Well death....I had such feelings now, not that I am going to die soon but only now that I understand why people fear death.My aunt had a terminal cancer and will be undergoing operation on Monday.

This reallys made me cried, well you may ask that such things happens but when a mentally disabled person have such illness.

It does really make you want to ask god why.Well looking at it, she had spent her life as a mentally disabled person its not a very blessing thing to be and now having this illness, it does make a double impact.

She is able to partially comprehed the situation and the only thing I could do is to visit her often at her insitution.I only can hope the operation went well and she will recover ok..

I could not be with her during that period of time even during her hospital admission as I will be in beijing due to work.

Fear of death is having the person who are close to you who will feel sad and very unhappy about losing you. You just do not want people who love to have such feelings. it really hurts... I am now having that feeling now ...


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