Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Friday, January 06, 2006

Well it soon coming to 3 months since I had started work in HK. Life is ok but with ups and downs. There are times when you are really need someone to talk to but of course there is no one you can really entrust on. Nevertheless it is a way to learn and adapt to the situation.

Friends had been good to me since and I appreciate the luck I had despite I did not won the HK$50million lottery last night sigh .... that means I got to work wish it was the other way..haaahaaa..

I had started Yoga which is really good in helping stretching and applying the correct posture when you work out so as not to hurt your back. I had begin to have some upper torso problems since I had started work, it's the result of sitting down too long.. but the class is of course one gender sided.... I still remember that the registry said that there are some guys in the class but in the end I represent 50% of the class male population....oh boy... but it is relaxing and good ! .. .

I am looking forward to the next class and also the begin of my dance semester, starting on the 14th... I doing Hip-hop..and it's still cool to know that you and your lads managed to complete the moves in the end...

I got to study for my Japanese as I will be taking an entrance exam to a lanaguage school on the 18th..wish me luck ..


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