Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, November 21, 2005

Oh it had been sometime since I had updated my blog.Work is well slightly okie, my company seek perfection and not speed so now I had slowed down and avoid making mistakes. The thing I felt is the more you do the more mistakes you will make . Aniwei colleauges are good, we went bowling on Friday nite and we had a great time. We are a bunch of silly animals but I glad that I am one of them .

Weekend was spent visiting my aunt and also sunday went out to get a pair of runners. I got myself a reebok nice looking haahaa.... Weather is getting colder nowadays so I need to wear more. Aniwei it's nice to see people to have a change of their clothing style, singapore is hard as the weather is the same...This week I shall work hard on my Japanese as the test is around Dec. hope I will put in effort in it.


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