Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Well read a book about being human, it is interesting as qouted we are being judged by the way our brain works. It is pretty interesting to know that as from the olden days, we are judge by our heart as it is the centerpiece of our life but soon to our blood afterall. When we read anicent stories, blood seems to be the soul to our life. Something like drops of blood could give life to other souls.

Our life is now based on our brain activity.... it's quite understandable as science had mould our mind that brain is the cornerstone of our life. . .. Looking at it... if a person have zero brain activity but 100% working body, we are still termed as dead... often it is questionable on who have the rights to determine the begining of life and the end of life but it seems that we are relying too much on science to mould our path in life...

We are the creators of science but also the servants of science...


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