Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Well... with a new year, I think I deserved a new start.Pushing all the rubbish aside, I had continue to live on and learn what I should not do another time round. With a little spare time, joining classes to fulfill my life will be a good idea as this is always the case. Using this little motivation, this little leo had joined up for a Yoga course which will starts on Jan 4th.I understand that there are very little males in such activities but with my mind of try now then never.

I think I will pour out alittle courage and brace the critisim I will received from a large group of girls. I will stick to my belief, try when you are 25 other to regret it at 60...HK weather is perfect for christmas, cooling but not too cold and have a jolly christmas mood. With a coming new year, I do wish all a happy new year.... oh ...gota resume my hip-hop soon....8th Jan..... geezzz..going to be a active year....


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