Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Well looking at gender issue in here.I was thinking will we reach a stage where gender issue is less of an issue so that we can remove our differences and have a uniform equality in the workplace but this seems not to be the case at this moment.Males are still dominating the high echoleon of the office ranks and excersice absolute power over major issues...well females are still playing a less major role.. Somehow i felt the law is still inclined towards the female when comes to certain offences.

Looking thro the eyes of the female they will give reasons for usage but it's something like tariffs, when you are in the adavantage position you will urge the fairness such position had given and provide numerous reasons for this adavantagous position to stand. While the disadavantage party have no choice to take it or leave it ...


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