Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Saturday, May 06, 2006

It been a busy week for me as Ken , my uni friend came to HK to visit me with his girlfriend. Overall they ended up shopping and eating.. one thing that amaze me was that he only bought S$200 to HK and managed to survive..... well minus the transportation thing, there is nothing much left but still he managed to return to Singapore in one piece.

I had a normal work week doing pretty minor but still important stuff and this allows me to rest well for the coming weeks of hard work. Today i pampered myself and bought myself a model kit and did not do much I woke up early in the morning to send ken off to the airport so afternoon was at home sleeping and resting ...

Last night me and ex-colleagues went to Lan Kwan Fong for some drinks after a nice dinner but that place is too errmmm I din like it i jus din like the crowd around there.. it's like boat quay... errmm ...


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