Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, May 21, 2006


I guess I should do a weekly blog instead having those sudden post..

I had enjoy my trip in Bangkok and also work hard for that trip. I felt that there is no regret in that trip even I had made some failures along the way. I shopped alot for the family eg. cuttlefish and also those crackers... the flight and hotel stay was very very luxurious and enjoyable.

I returned home on friday around 12 and was super busy to make some minor details to my sister wedding dinner held in HK. So saturday was my last dance class for this season but still there will be new season on 10th jun that I surely looking forward to but now I am considering new things to keep myself happy as an occupied mind is a wonderful mind.

sometimes, I felt in the event of all else fails family comes in importantly to lift you up and give you back the confident you really need.. I was in total lost during saturday morning due to some minor relationship issue but after a trim of my hair, I had never felt soooo happy maybe cos the haircut is excellently done and it was flawless that I did not even bother to amend some of the stylist artwork...heeheee...maybe I was vain.......

Dinner was very nice as the whole family and clan came and everyone was happy... I was happy... so this is the moment that family comes in to me and lift me up...

Today I spend the whole day with my sister and her husband to do some shopping and minor eating... I was happy , everyone was happy.. maybe I had a simple mind and easily contented...but well...maybe I am simple..and that is what I am..and I do not tend to change it.

Sometimes I felt, should I be this good and be abused by the environment? or adapt to the harsh world ...and stuck to the belief that good man die first...???? I am still holding on to my religion that showing goodness to others....... maybe I shall resist the change and maintain my princple...

This week, Emi and Xinwei is coming to HK and will pay me a little visit. I am sort of excited by their visit as I had not see both of them for 6 months and well I do have close contact with them but ..still ... they could turn plump and all sorts... so I am aniticipating their arrival...YUPPIE !! ... friends.... good friends....what else does I need in this world (Another thought from a simple mind.... shit...)


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