Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, May 18, 2006

After days of being in Thailand and also 2 days of rolling on a van ... finally my project had come to an end. I have a great sense of satisfaction that I am part of the project and able to contribute to the product.

I had work till 12 mid-night in hotel and also waking up early but I had never felt this commited before. Maybe a pat on the shoulder from the project leader give me the extra booast..

Today I ate at A& spark my childhood days when I usually go there with my mum when I was in primary school. Gees..that was like the eightiess......but it does give me a warm and nice feeling. Weather in thailand was bad today with a heavy shower.

I had enjoy myself last night with a treat at Emporium, I felt pampered and happy after a hard day work... I guess it all works out .... finally .. i have the feeling of ease and relax...


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