Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Oh. Nov is here and while we are in the mist of it, it got me thinking; Christmas is near and so is 2010. The thought of struggling to next year is rather awful as I will be a year older. Its kind of sad when you are stepping into the middle age life. No longer a youth, no longer someone who is green and learning. This gives me the shiver as I still feel young but should I be a bit older to truly reflect my age?

I felt happy with my life but still the thought of middle age is a tingy horrific. Looking in the past generations, 30s should have a family , married with kids but now .. we have nothing. Its something of a blessing which I dont know but its weird.

Aniwei I am still happy with what I have and will treasure it. This 2009 is a year where many major obstacles must be overcome and I hope will continue to perservere. But I am hopeful of my 2010 as I will have a new life with a new companion. Something which I am now , coming will not regret.


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