Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Saturday, February 18, 2006 office is now at Science Perk TaiPo. nearer to my house which makes the traveling time to be around 20mins. Not bad the place, very relaxing but the availability of food is rather limited. I am delighted that Nokia and ask me for a 2nd round of interview, I am lukewarm about changing job but the unablilty to grasp the authority of my work from France make me feel very frustrated at time.

The new place is very nice with alot of trees and a country-side feel. It's alright I guess, I had to skip my hip-hop today as my company want us to prepare all the things by today so no choice. Oh yeah I just got a new colleague who is Judith replacement, alright she seems fine, I reckon.

I am still unable to get my credit cards, shit as I need to spend some cash thus unable to get the free gifts. Ok I am a cheapskater but no chhoice.. since I got to burn that amount of cash, I felt why not.

Umphh..I had yet start my japanese and I am rather scare if I can catch up.

ANiwei...see how lifes goes...