Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Well had a nice vesak holiday.Tuesday night was out with my japanese language classmates for karaoke. We were supposed to meet at OCBC but it was so hot that some of us decide to go to mos and wait for the others. Inital headcount was around 6 but soon it spread till 10 plus people at was alot ... aniwei I brought jasmine, tresa and makkio along. I do hope they are able to know my friends beter. My classmates are a bunch of good people. So in the end around 6 were singing but this time I really enjoy singing as sean was there supporting me..waht a lad!!.....

Wednesday went swimming the sun was shining...made a few laps and head to east coast park for blading. Alot alot of people but I did manage to overcome the fear of the crowd in east coast park.Made a few dramatic fall..but overall was okie.JUn was there but she was busy learning new stuff but I managed to know some new friends..overall was fun...looking forward to coming weekend.Now I am feeling super tired.....


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